Performance Evaluations
by Jonathan Lopes, Adjunct Faculty, College Success
The supervisor annually writes his or her professional thoughts on the performance of the staff member on a document supplied by human resources. That same staff member, in various work places, is asked to fill out a self-review to share with the supervisor. This standard and inefficient method has flaws including said appraisal reflects what the supervisor manager can remember and the urgency of deadlines to maintain. Furthermore, the nature of the form(s) can dedicate how in-depth and objective the comments are. The appraisals can also be based on opinions as opposed to real performance measurements which in turn actually takes time and follow-up for proper evaluation. Disagreement about contribution and performance ratings can create a conflict, especially considering that this common practice is detached from those directly involved. At the very least, if this approach would be kept, a more frequent process--quarterly instead of annually can provide a more consistent and reliable measure of performance. Numerous supervisors may avoid providing honest feedback which defeats the purpose of the performance appraisal due to the already present stressors of work, too much autonomy which makes it hard to reflect and general discomfort in the process of evaluating others. Additionally, feedback can be given in ways which are insufficient. A focus on specific time frames, assignments, interactions, etc. reinforce the merit of the evaluation in comparison to vague and empty statements. Speaking of which, the actual form(s) for which the aforementioned documents are completed should focus more on qualitative measures for elongated thoughts. The simple act of checking off boxes is subjective and subject to interpretation which instantly creates a problem for those reviewing the documents and keeping it in file. Tips for supervisors and connected human resource individuals to consider include quarterly reports focusing on key objectives for employees and employers to achieve along with in-person meetings to discuss progress and lack thereof. Furthermore, the inclusion of a suggestion box followed by conversations about said box during staff meetings can open more dialogue on efficiency and incidents. The overall purpose of evaluations is to better everyone involved. Otherwise, a sense of being stifled, tension and lack of communication as well as comfort hurt the focus which is work quality.
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